Vote For This Blog In The Crank World Cycling Blog Honors!

Thanks to you, Grant's Prague Bike Blog has been nominated into the voting round of the Crank World Cycling Blog Honors.

This blog is listed as one of the top five blogs in the Mountain Bike category! Pretty cool.

Now, the real voting takes place.

If you're a regular reader of GPBB, or a first-time visitor but you like what you see, please go to this link and vote for my blog.

It literally takes only a second. Voting ends June 6. Don't wait. Do it now!

I appreciate your support.

Thanks everyone!


Julia said…
Excellent nomination, I voted!
Wissy said…
Well deserved. Voted!
Anonymous said…
Great blog, Grant. Happy to vote for you. Keep it up. Thanks, Andy F.
Loving the Bike said…
Good luck to you, Grant. Only a few days left in the voting and next week we'll notify who the top dog cycling blog is in each category.

Grant Podelco said…
Thanks, everyone. I appreciate your support. And I've learned of a few fantastic new blogs thanks to this contest!

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