The Best Bike Shop In Prague

The best bike shop in Prague, IMHO. And no, I'm not getting paid or reimbursed in any way for saying that!
I'm frequently asked for recommendations on the best bike shops in Prague.
And my answer is always the same: Cykloservis U Tyrše at Jaselská 29 in Prague 6, not far from the Hradčanská or Dejvická metro stations.
It's really the only bike shop I'm familiar with (it used to be right down the street when I lived at Hradčanská a few years ago), but the only one I really need. The guys who work there are knowledgeable, friendly, and honest, and a few of them speak pretty good English, which makes things a lot easier.

Prague's lilacs are always a wonder.
They have a good selection of bikes and accessories, and the prices are reasonable, in my estimation.
I've also heard from others who have had good experiences there.
I've been meaning to stop there for quite some time now. I lost my CatEye odometer somewhere in the fields a few months back. I also needed new cycling gloves, and a new bag for under my frame. A spare tube for my backpack, and some chain lube. And a new light.
I was working the late shift one day last week and decided just to ride there from my house in Černý Vůl one morning. It's about 14 kilometers each way.

I was surprised to see this cool British bus parked outside the Ekotechnické museum (the old sewage cleaning station) in Prague 6 near the Vltava River.
Along the way, I saw a doubledecker bus and some gorgeous lilacs, and came face-to-face with construction of a road connecting Sedlec and Roztoky. Anyone know what the deal is with this stretch of highway. Will the old road be turned into a cycling path?!
Length of ride: 28 kilometers
Average speed: 16.8 kph
Maximum speed: 31.8 kph
Time on the bike: 1.37.54
Pivo Index: 0
Distance ridden so far in 2010: 197.5 kilometers

Anyone know the story behind this highway being built between Sedlec and Roztoky?

A beautiful flowering shrub of some sort along the trail in Roztoky.

A coal chute in Únětice.

The Italianate facade of an old house in Roztoky.
carbon wheel
how to cut a bike lock
Thanks for this blog. All screenshots can explain the full blogs easily. This is very easy to understand. Using this screen shots know the details becomes easy
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If you happen to look for a good bike shop in Warsaw-these guys know what they are doing. And they speak English too (at least some of them...) Here is the link href=""
If you happen to look for a good bike shop in Warsaw-these guys know what they are doing. And they speak English too (at least some of them...) Here is the link href="https:/"