Ladies First

Emma, Daisy, and I went on a little family bike ride a few days ago, from our flat in Vokovice through Divoká Šárka, up to the bluff that we call The Crag, and then over to Nebušice for lunch at U Ady.

It was a beautiful day, and we had a great time. There's no finer place to be on a bike than on the paved trails in Šárka on a sunny day.

And it's always a treat to head out on the trails with my two favorite ladies.

Length of ride: 13 kilometers
Average speed: 11.4 kph
Maximum speed: 28.8 kph
Pivo Index: 2
Distance ridden so far in 2013: 41 kilometers (Is there any reason to keep this stat anymore? It's embarrassing.)


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