Ancient Castle, Fields Of Gold, Horny Hares

The 14th-century castle ruins at Okoř -- as always, a wonderful place to head on your bike.

I took a quick for-exercise-purposes-only bike ride the other day. It was a cracking day, and I had a good time out there. Really got the blood pumping. You can't help but feel better afterward.

But I was alone. I did not stop anywhere for a beer.

As usual, however, in just an hour, I managed to see lots of cool stuff -- fields of rainslicker-yellow rapeseed almost humming with color; horny hares frolicking in the fields; a picturesque country church; and the ruins of a 14th-century castle.

And snails. Lots of snails.

Length of ride: 14.5 kilometers
Average speed: 15.0 kph
Maximum speed: 42.8 kph
Pivo Index: 0
Time on the bike: 00.57.49
Distance ridden so far in 2010: 169.5 kilometers

Big-sky country.

My route, starting in the village of Černý Vůl. Click to enlarge.

Stopping to admire the rapeseed near Lichoceves.

Three huge hares with one thing on their minds.

I always try to stop and pick up some of the giant snails that have found themselves in harm's way on the trail.

An idyllic scene at the stream in the forest behind Okoř.

A chapel near the village of Noutonice.


MiGrant said…
Great photos!

I remember biking to a couple of ruined castles maybe 20-30 miles east of Prague around 1990 or so. They were on the map I had, but off the road in the woods, with no signs or markings of any kind and only a rough path to get there. There was no one around and hardly any sign that anyone knew or cared that they were there — and these were pretty sizable ruins, with walls at least 20 feet high still standing. One was at the edge of a pretty steep hill, almost a cliff, surrounded by trees. The weather was too pretty for it to seem spooky, but it blew my mind that these medieval ruins were just out there in the middle of nowhere with no sign that anyone had ever thought of them as anything special. Wish I could remember the names — does any of this ring any bells for you?
Karen said…
Grant, those snails are everywhere! Have you ever been tempted to eat them? The process of making one's own escargot looks pretty intriguing but I'd feel better if someone had tried it before me. Have you?
Grant Podelco said…
Thanks, MiGrant, for the kind words about the photos. As for the castle ruins you describe, it doesn't sound immediately recognizable, but I bet there are some folks out there who may read your comment who may know the ruins you're talking about. There are quite a few hidden around these parts, that's for sure.
Grant Podelco said…
Karen, the Czech Republic has become quite the exporter of snails to places like France. Most of them are farmed, but apparently quite a few folks collect them in the wild and sell them. As for me, I haven't tried it myself at home. It's funny. I save the little guys without question on the road, but then might contemplate eating them at a restaurant. Go figure. They're huge, though. We have them all over our yard at home.
Karen said…
I didn't know that. I'm trying hard to work up the courage. I need to find a Czech "snail buddy" to show me the ropes. Otherwise, I can just read the obit, "she trusted the Internet to teach her how to cook snails...."
Wissy said…
Hi Grant!

An interesting link regarding Czech snails from another blob i subscribe to.
Anonymous said…
No beer?!
Grant Podelco said…
No beer. Can you believe it? Who says I can't ride without it?
dcormac said…
A ride without beer is like a day with bloodshed - John Wayne (paraphrased)
dcormac said…
Oops, a day without bloodshed, that is

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