'It's Very Rare.' Well, let's hope so, anyway.
I took my GT Avalanche into my local bike shop this morning to get my two flat tires fixed (which I could have done myself), and more importantly to have higher handlebars put on (which I would not attempt).
I gave them my bike and my name, but they didn't give me a receipt of any kind.
"Don't I need a ticket or something to pick up my bike tomorrow?" I asked.
"Don't worry. You have two flats. It's very rare," the guy behind the counter said. "We'll know who you are."
I still can't believe my bad luck.
I asked them about these Kevlar-coated tubes and tires that I'd heard about, but they said they don't carry them. They're only for serious long-distance cyclists or something. Perhaps I can order some from the United States. One of the readers of my blog, Benjamin, told me he's had good luck with Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires, which have Kevlar.
If anyone has had any experience with these kinds of tires/tubes, please leave a comment. I'm sick of punctures, and it's only April 2.
By the way, for the first time in about one month, I actually felt really good. Almost normal, even. I can't wait to get my bike back. There's even enough daylight now to sneak in a ride after work.
And now for something completely different ...

The magnolias are bursting out all over Prague. I passed this one on my ill-fated ride on April 1 near Suchdol.
Nothing to do with cycling, but I feel I must mention
I was at my local Delvita grocery store on Sunday, on Jugoslavskych Partyzanu, buying supplies. I was pushing my cart down the frozen-food aisle, and who should I bump into?
Former Czech President Vaclav Havel.
I doubled back a few times to make sure it was him. Yep. He was just doing his weekly shop, I guess. His cart was near to overflowing. And he kept glancing at a shopping list. He lives in the Stresovice neighborhood, I believe, which is very close, so it kind of makes sense. He had someone helping him, but he wasn't a bodyguard. There were three high-end BMWs and Audis in the parking lot, all with drivers or people standing around them.
Prague gets on my nerves sometimes, but it's very cool when a former president and global personality feels comfortable enough to go shopping in a dinky local grocery store. No one bothered him, at least as long as I was there.
I just wish I'd had my camera.
I gave them my bike and my name, but they didn't give me a receipt of any kind.
"Don't I need a ticket or something to pick up my bike tomorrow?" I asked.
"Don't worry. You have two flats. It's very rare," the guy behind the counter said. "We'll know who you are."
I still can't believe my bad luck.
I asked them about these Kevlar-coated tubes and tires that I'd heard about, but they said they don't carry them. They're only for serious long-distance cyclists or something. Perhaps I can order some from the United States. One of the readers of my blog, Benjamin, told me he's had good luck with Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires, which have Kevlar.
If anyone has had any experience with these kinds of tires/tubes, please leave a comment. I'm sick of punctures, and it's only April 2.
By the way, for the first time in about one month, I actually felt really good. Almost normal, even. I can't wait to get my bike back. There's even enough daylight now to sneak in a ride after work.
And now for something completely different ...

The magnolias are bursting out all over Prague. I passed this one on my ill-fated ride on April 1 near Suchdol.
Nothing to do with cycling, but I feel I must mention
I was at my local Delvita grocery store on Sunday, on Jugoslavskych Partyzanu, buying supplies. I was pushing my cart down the frozen-food aisle, and who should I bump into?
Former Czech President Vaclav Havel.
I doubled back a few times to make sure it was him. Yep. He was just doing his weekly shop, I guess. His cart was near to overflowing. And he kept glancing at a shopping list. He lives in the Stresovice neighborhood, I believe, which is very close, so it kind of makes sense. He had someone helping him, but he wasn't a bodyguard. There were three high-end BMWs and Audis in the parking lot, all with drivers or people standing around them.
Prague gets on my nerves sometimes, but it's very cool when a former president and global personality feels comfortable enough to go shopping in a dinky local grocery store. No one bothered him, at least as long as I was there.
I just wish I'd had my camera.
They have some very nasty road grit over here. It's that flint-like stuff that they use to make arrowheads out of.
I will be using tire liners as long as I live here.
Thanks for the tip! Those look really interesting, and are much cheaper than buying the Kevlar-fortified tires. I think I'll have to order a couple. Thanks for reading, and writing. I appreciate it. What are you doing in Cambridge?